You never know what you may find when you are hunting for vintage and antiques!
At a local family estate sale, a friend of the family was selling some of her costume jewelry...
This was the first time I had seen any of the American painted porcelain brooches, other than in photos online. I thought the brooch was antique by its appearance and hefty weight, and it was confirmed after checking my collectors jewelry books, and various websites online. Also some very experienced people shared their knowledge with me on a couple of the social networks I belong to.
This is to encourage all you amateur 'pickers' out there, as I'm learning all the time, and I was thrilled to find that rare antique piece of jewelry!
This beautiful Antique American Painted Porcelain Brooch is decorated with a delicate floral spray, and green foliage. The flowers look like wild pink roses! The background is soft shades of light blue, yellow, and brown. The oval shaped brooch has a burnished gold rim, with gold plated bezel, and C-clasp pin on the back. It measures 2" long x 1 1/2" wide. Circa 1900 - 1917...
Referencing Warman's Jewelry Field Guide Values and Identification by Leigh Leshner: During those times, hand painted jewelry was a heart felt gift of friendship...given with love!
This is one of my most cherished treasures that I am sharing with you! You can see it on my website: